In the world of Information Technology, the status of various online services is very important. Since (almost) all data lives in the cloud, we need to know when any of these services go offline. The following is a list of URLs to see that status of various services:Amazon Web Services StatusGoogle Workspace StatusApple System StatusApple Developer System StatusMicrosoft Azure Status
Author: Shubhrendu T
One of the great advantages of Ubuntu (and Linux in general) is the ability to customize your environment to your heart’s liking. Scrot is one such utility which really helps in accomplishing this in a remarkable way. The following command (when bound by a key) will take a screenshot, name the file with the day, date, etc and finally move it to the desktop. scrot ‘%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%s.png’ -e ‘mv $f ~/Desktop’
Each Google Profile settings is stored in a separate directory. These directories are found in the following locations: [Windows] %LOCALAPPDATA%GoogleChromeUser Data [Linux] ~/.config/google-chrome [Mac] ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome
Firefox provides command URLs so that a user or developer can see some internal information about the browser. They serve as a diagnostic and troubleshooting tools when developing websites, especially when developing for advanced features of browsers like IndexedDB, Service Workers, etc. URL Format These pages can be accessed by typing the corresponding URLs in the Address Bar. The URL format is ‘about:’ following by the page name. An example is given below: about:preferences Type this into the address bar of the Firefox browser and it should show the Preferences page. Complete list of Firefox about: pages Below is the…
What is Android? Android is an operating system designed and developed by Google for mobile devices. Version History
Introduction SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page through organic search engine results. The main benefit of ranking for a specific keyword is that you can get “free” traffic to your site, month after month. SEO Activities SEO is composed of multiple activities that work towards helping a site rank better in search engines. The following is a (partial) list of these activities: ContentStrategyLinks BuildingSocial NetworksWebsite OptimizationWeb DesignTrafficSitemap OptimizationSoftware DevelopmentFeedbackKeyword ResearchRanking Types of SEO There are three types of SEO that should be done…